Renate's Home Page


Here is a List of Books concerning TS/TG/CD.

The Amazon links are to the paperback editions on Amazon, when available. The WorldCat links are to a global library database which will tell you in which library you might find the book. Check with your local library first, their collection may not be listed on WorldCat. If the book is not available in your local library system, you may be able to get it through Inter-Library Loan. Ask a librarian.

New: Chaz Bono's new book is now available.

Subject Headings

The following Table of Subject Headings may assist you when searching by subject in a library catalog. It is a fairly unscientific count of the number of results returned when searching for specific subjects. Be aware that many of the entries for some subject headings may not be related to humans, e.g. Hermaphroditism (in frogs). The subject headings have links to subject searches on WorldCat.


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